You’ve Come A Long Way, Baby

… at least I hope I’ve come a long way, anyway…

Sunday is my 27th birthday! To celebrate, we’re heading out to Tofino for the first time ever!!

Even though this birthday isn’t particularly momentous in terms of reaching a so-called ‘milestone’ age, it is pretty exciting from my perspective because it’s the first birthday in a long time where I haven’t been seriously depressed or feeling like I should have already ‘made it’ in the world. (Here I go, about to blame bad things on grad school again…) During school, I suddenly started feeling very old and noticeably unaccomplished in life. At the tender age of 23-25ish, I felt like a giant underachiever because I hadn’t yet published any articles in academic journals, and of course I imagined that the rest of my life– my very future and happiness– depended on my having published at least one article by yesterday or the day before that. And seeing as I hadn’t (and still haven’t) published anything, it could only mean that I was a useless waste of an academic and, by default, a useless waste of a person. One birthday in particular (my 24th), I spent the day at home, weeping like a stereotypical miserable housewife and feeling sorry for myself. All day. (It was the school, I swear.)

Unfortunately, Marty has only really known me during the years when I was feeling hopelessly inadequate and like the biggest failure of all twenty-somethings on my birthdays. (I know, positively dripping with emo and teenage angst). Birthdays (and by ‘birthdays’, I mean my birthday in particular) came to be a day we’d tiptoe around, lest we unleash the demon of residual teenage angst and another flood of tears. It was bad, I tell you– bleak and very bad.

Things are different now, though. I promise. It’s taken me a good long time (2 and some years since graduating!), but I finally feel like my cheerful old self again, and secretly, I’m so excited to celebrate my birthday this time around! TOFINO!!! I’m not sure Marty will know how to react, because this whole ‘me being cheerful and excited about my birthday’ is new to him. And to me. At least new in terms of the recent past. I don’t know when or how I realized that I didn’t have to have everything figured out or accomplished in life before I hit my thirties, but it happened, and for that, I’m extremely thankful.

Anyway (to cut a long and depressing preamble short), we won’t be back until next Tuesday evening, but I welcome (and encourage!) you all to post birthday wishes while I’m away! (hint, hint, wink, wink!)


P.S.: I still haven’t figured out how to post photos to this newfangled blogging software (must have to turn 28 before it all makes sense), so you’ll have to go without my Grade 5 class picture for now. I know how disappointing it is for everyone…

Update: I figured it out. Not too hard, even for an almost 27 year old. And now we can all bask in the big-headed glory of my Grade 5 school photo! Double huzzah!

9 responses

  1. Man – the one year I remember it’s your birthday – and it’s everywhere! Oh the cred I could have had…

    Have a most-awesome weekend away as I’m sure you will and get in some Dana celebration too.

    Be good! Oh, and Happy Birthday! Most sincerely.

  2. Well, happy birthday for Sunday! I’ve always LOVED birthdays, because I always received presents and met with friends and had parties… I never quite understood why some fear their own birthdays. So I am glad to see you now enjoy yours! And I do hope you get presents (what can i say, i’m a material girl…:). And friends. And fun. And of course, a sunny day :))

  3. Birthdays are such a funny thing. And I don’t know what it is, but a bunch of my friends were in the same boat too. Wanting to accomplish so much before they hit 30 (I secretly think – at least for them – they want to prove something when our 10 year reunion hits us this year). Success and accomplishment can be measured in so many different ways to each and every person. I’m glad that you’ve come to this realization!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! Enjoy Tofino! It’s my 2nd favourite place on earth besides Salt Spring! Are you guys going to learn to surf!!!!??!?!

    P.S. Thanks for the comment to my post. I never would have thought gallbladder – and yeah, we’re not doctors, but sort of sounds about right! Maybe I should go and see my doc (even though I dislike her so). Gah.

  4. I hope you have the happiest of birthdays, Dana! Tofino will be wonderful, especially now the weather has perked up a bit. Sorry to miss you at the Fibre Festival festivities though. Maybe you’ll see an alpaca or something on your adventures though…

    I’ve been away from the internet quite a bit so glad to catch up on the goings on and on goings in your life.

  5. Happy Birthday Dana! So glad you are happy about it. I hope Tofino was great. I *still* have not been! I like your new blog digs. You may have come a long way, but it looks like you’ve been awesome since Grade 5 — at least! Hope to see you soon.

  6. Ha!! No buns baking in any oven of mine– at least I hope not!
    I’ve just always loved the term zona pellucida. I’m a female body biology geek. Thanks for the birthday wishes!

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